Lin Wood, [17.05.21 20:46]
One more flash of light on the Wade, Grunberg, & Wilson, LLC (WGW) frivolous fraud case against me.
WGW is represented by lawyers Andrew Beal and Ed Buckley of the Atlanta law firm of Buckley/Beal.
Ed represented Ginger White and could not stay off TV with her when she was making accusations against my client, the late, Great American Patriot, HERMAN CAIN. Herman aggressively denied her accusations as false.
Wonder if Buckley/Beal has a political agenda at work against me in the WHW frivolous fraud case??
What do you think?
Asking for a friend.
Atlanta Firm for Employment & Business Litigation | Buckley Beal LLP
Call for a free consultation with employment and business litigation lawyers at Buckley Beal LLP. We have 85+ years' shared & trial-tested experience!
I am a faithful follower of God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit! Patriot;Q & Trump supporter! Author of “Lady In Waiting For The Promises Of God”!