Is anyone else super stressed over loved ones who are taking this vaccine? I have tried desperately to talk them out of it and have been ignored and/or called a conspiracy theorist. I wish a good source would let us American people know whether or not the contaminated vaccine has made it into the states or if it's just a placebo. My heart just cannot take this stress any longer, especially when my son is talking about getting this vaccine. Anyone have any info at all? I could sure use some comforting words!

God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, and Trump is my President. #LoveWins #GodFamilyCountry #JustSayNoToSocialism
You might try asking your son to hold off on getting the vaccine until more is known about it and it's effects.

Die Hard Patriot, Loving Husband, Father, Brother and Son - #WWG1WGA - 6 time Twitter Veteran - TEXAN
you are not alone.... hang in there....