I remember when we were on twitter in the beginning of this scamdemic. Many anons rose and yet we weren't the first. There have been people waiting for 4+ years for this moment. Now here we are, a mix of everybody. I'm seeing things I've seen before and things I haven't seen through this site. If you don't believe in the great awakening yet, it's because you haven't been through the trenches others have. Just remember that the soldier that speaks to you could be one that has waited forever. Stay humble. Stay focused. The best is yet to come. Rejoice.
I was never on twitter or facebook.....
I started researching in the mid to late 80's. I was half awake around 92, knowing about Fritz S. and Bill Cooper, private prisons, MK, and the Franklin Coverup. In 01 I new it was the ringing of the bell for NWO. In '12 there was the whole DavidWilcock/Drake deception/ they talked about DUMBs being blown up and mass arrests.10 years ago, I was telling people at my job to look into the cabal. I was considered "That Conspiracy guy". That is why I need this place, it validates all I have learned. Each person is important for piecing this together. It has been an arduous and sometimes difficult journey.
Madonnas jaket circa 1985 .
Discernment is critical.
WOW, way ahead of me ... 2010 ... I was compelled to dig, learned about Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, panda eyes of Lady Gag, didn't know it meant the children, but knew 2008 was a nightmare, dark prince had arrived. Knew it wasn't about politics, but rather good /vs/ evil. Now Antartica, Looking glass project, Mars, selling souls, it's really amazing to see the old movies mocking us with their Sci-fi reality.
We have a lot of work to do, on ourselves, as well as others. We need to revive our God given powers with serious detox, to take down the cabal.