God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
Yes, this is true. Initially, after vaccinations started and they recieved both of their vaccinations 4 patients tested positive for covid. Now it is hush hush when someone gets covid if they have been vaccinated. The CDC just changed guidelines for PCR tests of vaccinated people cycle threshold to be lowered. Did you get that? With lower cycle thresholds their will be fewer positives in the vaccinated group. So it will appear that unvaccinated people are spreading corona. CDC left unvaxed with higher cycle thresholds? They will continue to push for everyone to get vaccinated. It has always been the higher cycle thresholds PCR tests that caused so many false positives. How many people did you know that tested positive but had no symptoms? Everyone should ask for their cycle threshold when being PCR tested. This is what Gov DeSantis did in Florida. When you get PCR tested the lab has to include the CT of the PCR.

all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
CDC left unvaxed with higher cycle thresholds?
I had not heard that..although if doing a pcr test ...might want to ask who is this swab made by?... Although upon second thought they identified two brands but who all did they test..could there be more?

Yeah, The Yankee's just found that out.

all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
what that like 8 out 50 have it cause they have to be tested all the time and only one showed any symptoms....I imagine that is why they are not so gun ho and yelling testing testing we need to do more testing LOL

It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
Hmmm, wonder why?🤔 Must seem so weird to sleeple.

all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
you think they know or even believe it?? They probably don't listen to senate hearings etc. it's only mainlining propaganda from msm news