So Dr Fauci is responsible for covid-19 which has a 1% mortality rate & of the death tolls reported by Fake News, only 5% of the deaths are actually from COVID-19.
So in reality, the vaccine Fauci & his cabalistic cohorts are pushing, funded with trillions of dollars of stolen money from our government / taxpayers for this pLandemic, will end up killing more people than COVID-19 itself.
Got it.
[Y] Family is the medical field in its entirety. Corrupt garbage establishment, capitolizing on poisoning you & YOUR CHILDREN for profit.
The SAME hidden supressed sciences involved in natural healing, are the SAME hidden supressed sciences of magnetism, static electricity, electricity / plasma, for free energy & anti-"gravity".
God's building blocks in the universe is divinely simple. The only way the occult cabal could keep that hidden, is by taking control of our educational, scientific & medical institutions to feed us LIES to ensure all of it stays hidden.
It's not about me it's about US, all of humanity! 💖🌏
As if doing so for profit at the expense of humankind isn't bad enough, let's not overlook the fact that every perpetrated death is a sacrifice to the masters he (they) serve. The same masters that hate them and will devour them when there is no longer any use for them.
Love and compassion for humankind are the sword and shield that wins every battle. Armour up!!!