Dr. Fauci Prepping to Flee Country - Red Paper News
Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military have expressed unease over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent real estate acquisitions in the United Kingdom, Argentina, and Panama, heightening concerns that the Deep State doctor might flee the country ahead of being served an arrest warrant for crimes committed [&hel..

There is absolutely no place on THIS planet where he will be safe! No where. His land/houses are/were sold off and all assets will be put in a trust. This pos aint going anywhere. So let the talk trash all they want..patriots are all over this piece of turd.. And that is my humble opinion....

No. The only reason he is still walking around is to get the rest of the cabal to show their hand..He aint gonna escape to anywhere.. hes either going to gitmo.. I hear that place us filling up..or they will put him in one of the other federal prisons around the earth. one is in iceland another in, i think, Ecuador..one off coast if Spain.. yeah. as soon as hes done what the patriots need he's done for..

the real question should be WHY are these two fleas still roaming the earth and breathing our oxygen?

Hunter,Ozzie PATRIOT,always felt the world wasnt what it should be.
https://conspiracydailyupdate.com/2020/07/12/trump-qanon-and-the-plan/#more-355369 LATEST WHATS BEEN HABBENING! enjoy AND SMILE WE ARE ALMOST THERE.
UPDATED: TRUMP/QANON AND THE PLAN to free us all!! Putting the Pieces Together! | Conspiracy Daily Update
UPDATED: 16MAY21 The Q Plan to is unfolding. The pieces are coming together daily. The Q posts are lining up. We are in the nexus of events and are charting our future together. This is The Plan as it is happening! ** BEST CURRENT INTEL DROPS FROM: https://t.me/Whiplash347 ** Joss DumasApril 2 at 2:..
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Let him try to run, he'll just lead us to other corrupt people in other countries. Don't think for a moment that there isn't a satellite eye up in space watching and listening to his every move.
No free passes for those playing the game.

Somehow i feel he is already having the chains on all his limbs!! but yeah we need the drama for the sheep to wake up!