Why isn't everyone absolutely enraged about a privately owned company, controlling our votes, and preventing our checks and balancing" from happening?

NO PRIVATE COMPANY HAS POWER OVER THE CONSTITUTION. They lost all rights to their "Proprietary Intellectual Property." being inspected when they entered their technology into our elections.

They either hand over the passwords and allow for a FULL PROPER AUDIT , or these votes are in question and not valid #REDO2020

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We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.

I think people are, but without a legal system that is willing to do what's right, we're screwed. We're talking prosecutors, attorneys, judges, even the Supreme Court who through every case out. There's only so much Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others can do. Without a proper justice system and news media, I'm not sure what else we can do except be outraged.

calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump

dont assume we are not.