Orrrrr you can dig into learning about the History of Tataria, a recent advanced civilization that the global elite erased at the last 1920 Reset. Then you can consider that the truth is more probable that Tesla was one of the last ones trying to save free energy and their advanced tech as it was being replaced with what they could profit from and history was rewritten about it all. Remember, the first automobiles were electric. Why the switch to gas? As if people rushing out to California in 1848 to mine for gold built buildings like this in San Francisco in their spare time.🧐 The global elite took over the grand buildings and homes from the Tartarians they murdered and then claimed them to be their own. In the history books, they made up architects and dates for them to be more recent than they actually were. You can see how they tried and are trying to rewrite history again, though thankfully Q & Q+ put a YUGE stop to it all.