The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
This is so confusing.
We are seeing reports of people dying from the Vax.
👉Were POTUS’ vaccines harmless & effective HCQ?
👉Did the BiDan NWO regime switch out the harmless Vaccines for a deadly mRNA cocktail?
I don’t believe our POTUS (DJT) would put our lives in danger.
And inasmuch as [they] try to force this experimental jab, it is *not* mandatory, nor is it effective.
But I struggle to understand the disparity.
Vax-related deaths the CDC blatantly ignores and uses fear to continue pushing - someone
press the Fast Forward button and make this movie end.
Please. 🙏
i believe this is to tear the media. on one end they are saying that the vaccine is killing people because it's Trump's vaccine. and on the other end they have to say they are good because Biden is telling everyone they have to have it. so it confuses people and it puts them in limbo on getting vaxxed and it pushes some to research for themselves