Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Have faith frens because it is taking time many are giving in.
Do not give in and do not give up.
Things are happening.
On this I give my word.
My word is my bond to you.
I will not break it.
Trump set the stage but his part is over
for now
It is our turn
The wheel has JUST begun to turn
it will crush all who try to stop it
Nothing can stop it
Keep solace in your faith for it is the most important thing
God will never let you down
My understanding from Patriots/Anons is that Trump is running a shadow presidency and it is he who the good side of the military call Commander-in-Chief--not buydan. Is this correct or are we being deceived??
The POSTMASTER-GENERAL: Russell-Jay: Gould controls the military &: is the real Commander-In-Chief. I think Trump is in cooperation with him.