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Jack Sellers, Chairman of Maricopa County Supervisors, said in a press release that the network routers used by the elections department are shared across 50 different county departments. The routers contain confidential information and info about classified law enforcement activities. He notes that WHOEVER has access to this router could potentially INTERCEPT SENSITIVE DATA.
Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone, release a statement claiming THE ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT ROUTER IS USED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT
Did Dominion, a private vendor have access to elections router, have access to the law enforcement networks via the router?
Did G Soros have access to elections network by his puppet who runs law enforcement network?
What the other 49 networks on that router?
Why do election servers need connected to 50 different unrelated networks?
Was election data modified by other networks sharing the same router?
Was HAMMER AND SCORECARD deployed in Maricopa County?
2 pictures
Maricopa County Elections Witness Testifies that Dominion Ran Entire Election - County Officials and Observers NEVER HAD Access or Passwords! (Video)
Back on November 30, 2020, Maricopa County elections witness Jan Bryant testified before the Arizona legislature. Jan has a strong project management background. She could not believe what she witnessed during the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona. Jan said back on November 30, 2020, that Ma..