Today's topic: Watch the Water
After a dream last night, followed by Jacob Israel's new video I wanted to share what is on my heart.
"Watch the water" - Q
I now believe the water we should be watching is ourselves. Most of our body is made of water, no? Are we not supposed to be in a Great Awakening? So, therefore who among you is not focused on battling your demons/addictions but rather waiting for Q's plan to save you?
I challenge everyone to look inside and do some soul searching and stop looking for the answer everywhere else. I think the following Q post speaks volumes to my point.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and struggles. I've battled alcohol, marihuana, porn, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, online gaming. The only one I still struggle with is gaming. The fight doesn't stop there however. Anger is an addiction and I'm searching for the peace to let it go. I believe this is what it means to, watch the water.