Majority of all CIA Agents are Corrupt, none of them have honor, morals, or values when it comes to law and order, and the oath they took.

Clowns IA is structured like Freemasonry. You never know you took a blood oath on a Satanic bible nor that the [G]od you swore an oath to (as in the God of Freemasonry wrote Albert Pike in Morals & Dogma), is Lucifer the Lightbearer. The Devil keeps 32° (many many years) between you and the hidden TRUTH. Masons attending 33° ceremonies at House of The Temple Scottish Rite in D.C. have been denied the 33° by answering "Yes" when asked if they were Christian. MANY decent God-fearing red-blooded American Patriots join not knowing what they've gotten into. By the time they realize they'd been hoodwinked they'll be knee deep in it and by then already blackmailed 6 ways to Sunday. Secrecy, hidden truths, is, 100%, by design and as JFK said a threat to our Republic. After TGA transpires, say good-bye to all of it.

Finders ?🥸Chercheurs programme pour violer des enfants 🤬

Half way to Heaven, spouse of a military veteran. GODSPEED #wwg1wga #allkidsmatter
Tried both sites and nothing comes up.