Quick update on STinging Nettle- So I started taking this herb about a week ago; here is what I have noticed so far. First, my eczema has not bothered me not once. My allergies have reduced a very noticeable amount (I have very bad seasonal allergies). Secondly, I have noticed that I have not had as many headaches-I believe this is somehow related to this herb but I dont know how. Third, I have not noticed anything yet with my arthritis but I am going to continue and will update this later.

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear".

WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!
😁TY. I do take Quercetin. I am trying to switch over from prescription medications to natural remedies....and I am trying to let ppl know as I find stuff that works...