Woke up with TWO questions, yes up at this hour. FIRST, WHY is this site based out of an apt complex, but it gets weirder, NEXT TO AN TMOBILE BUILDING< NEXT TO A MONEY PLACE? Second, and this is a legit question, JUST ASKING, WHY is the space force insignia, a freaking TRIANGLE> Not saying the two go hand in hand. AND why is freaking dude GAGA and Anniston still on new commercials. TWICE I woke up and those ugly things were on my tv as I fell asleep with it on. Okay three questions.
LMAO 😂😂😂
Sick of weird shit, aren't you? lol
but I think I have an addiction...😂😂😂
I have an addiction to freedom, and answers. That will never change. lol
Well...long time between drinks...
isn't it...
So i broke my drought a bit yesterday...
Kicking myself now
LOL, I don't know, I mean beer on ice is good. PROBABLY don't wanna know what is in that stuff either, and wanna make my own. Guess I am doing better than folks who ingest fluoride water. Started that when I literally had to fight against a poison water table elsewhere, LONG story suffice it to say no Erin Brokavich to be had.
I don't like beer...never have...
not saying that I haven't drunk it...
because I used to drink it a lot...
There's a lot of crap in water...
i don't drink anything now except coffee...
and I trick myself into believing that its alright because I boil the jug...
I told you I was an authority...😂😂😂
😂🤣😂🤣Sounds like your theory makes more sense than the majority of what is going on. AND probably better than my beer on ice theory. lol
Sorry if I miss a reply to you...
but my index finger is numb and I keep hitting the wrong lettrrs on my phone...lol
i jammed it in a car door about a month ago...
it's still fully numb...
and on top of that...
you are very quick...😂😂😂
this site is not so much...
keeps glitching me out...lol
Any quickness comes from my ability to miss "school" every chance I got starting at five. lol
that's what got me into sports...
I used to win shotput and get heaps of time off...😂😂😂
I am pretty good at shooting clay pigeons, lol. My boss was like dang, I was like yeah, didn't wanna beat you to bad on your land. lol
OLD boss, yet another weird sequence of events. lol
most bosses can't handle getting flogged...😂😂😂
I love being underestimated. Great advantage in that. lol
i can see that...😂😂😂
Sounds like you are pretty good at that also. If folks only knew the advantage, I think Sun Tzu knew.
never heard of that bloke...
until I joined twatter...
very very interesting...👍
STUPID Dorsey thinks he knows about the art of war. He got choked in the "golden threads" lol CHOKED all the sense out of him.
one of the first Bloats I had run ins with on Twitter...
I laughed so hard when I saw the collar marks round his neck...😂😂😂
LOL they think they skanked all his weirdo pics, I still know where some are, and bust them out occasionally at his expense, STILL waiting for them to find the back doors to his programs, that will put him under the jail.
no i know that we've met before...
I was thinking it but wasn't really sure...
get that MUTT...!!!
I been thinking about their back door programs and pic in pics, since before they existed, glorious to see their demise. ON the very platforms they thought NO one would wake up. lol
I'm very glad you did...!!!
Some one needed to do what you have...
FUN times, like I said, never tell me I can't, cause I am. lol
I'm not that stupid to do something like that... LMAO
OH not you, really any of the deep state against any patriots in a broader sense. Glad folks are waking up.
I often get confused with them...
by many...
such is life...
I learned just as much from my enemies, as I have from loyal friends. Like the Old Dead song says, sometimes you can get your light, in the strangest places, if you look at it right.
guess I'm going to have to carry a big torch where ever I go lol...
something like a maglight...lol
BRIGHT torches matter, out last, over come, and never give up.