it's time for everyone to wake up now

Nothing is More Precious than the Children! All Of Humanity Is Uniting To Defeat Unspeakable Evil. God Bless and Protect the QTeam.

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.
I knew from about age 6 that something was just not “real” about everything going on around me. I finally “woke up” in 1980 at 19 years old when i started researching how the Federal Reserve cam into being and researched whether the Illuminati was real. Been a2ake and researching for 40 years.

Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
Hey cool he was talking about me! Yay! And befor I was even born. How did he know? lol