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God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Secret Patriot Q to his Publication


I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

I beg to differ. The fiat dollar still enslaves me, the poor, and downtrodden. I'm getting worse and cannot walk without great pain, and all my bones are piercing with sharp stabs of pain that I have no idea where it's coming from. And I have no way to heal, and I have no means to expand beyond the claustrophobic existence I live in endless loops of this life in Mordor (Arkansas) and although the witch (Hillary) seems to be gone, her power still lingers. And I have nothing to show for the battles I've fought in except loss, a million shards of broken heart, and offerings that no one sees except a rare few...

Pain and fear destroy the beauty I have seen... ~Rick Wakeman

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

I realize that offering you unsubstantiated information and vague hope of a better life isn't going to help you. I WILL pray that the Divine Physician fill you with His curatives, peace and strength. Can I ask ONE favor from you? Take five minutes each evening in perfect quietude with no distractions, petition Our Creator: Manifest your love to me, God. Then wordlessly and without any additional thoughts other than union with God, wait for a response. It may take awhile to get past yourself and your suffering but, if you keep petitioning, He WILL answer.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Um...the strength part...yeah leave THAT part out!

You see, I know Him a little bit differently than you may know Him.

You see strength is NOT a good thing to ask for. Health, wealth (or whatever the hell that means), answers, etc. = good. Strength = bad.

And I'll tell you why. Because we're dealing with a guy that sees a request for strength as an opportunity to put one on a train bound through a hellish landscape, with flying monsters and pterodactyls that hunt you down and rip into the sides of the train and you either get sliced or you find the one little shack at a crossing and have to hide in that for who knows how long with a canteen of warm water and shitty breadsticks.

NEVER ask for strength! Under ANY circumstances!

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

You have mad writing skills, Nackendara!

One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is fortitude which, when prayed for, gives us strength to endure the current battle. I have suffered a similar battle of crippling pain, extreme exhaustion over >12 years and I know it is incredibly dispiriting. The key is to fight it and turn that cauldron of emotions into prayer. Pour it all out: The outrage, misery, depression, anger at God for allowing it??, lance it and let it flow. God will hear you.

Promise me that you will keep in touch, I check my anonup on a daily basis. By God, I have been a poor instrument but He has used me as a conduit to heal others. Outright miracles have happened. My daily prayers will be with you. May God grant you a good night's sleep!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

I have turned that cauldron of emotions into...well not prayer, because I just go to God and say bluntly; WTF? Are you on drugs or something? But I have poured out a lot of anger and rage, just on different things. Inanimate objects, demons, Hillary, bad carbs, walmarts, car tires, volcanoes (that's a fun one), and military radio announcements.

I have poured a lot of emotion out to Him, I have. But it's like chewing on a tire. Sure it's tasty and all, but I'm getting nowhere.

I promise I'll stay here with you. We can think of ways to mess with TPTB. We need to pool our energies and really focus on flames, hell, fires, and brimstones. And other fun elements like that. I want to have a party. But can't, so let's set something on fire. It does help sometimes. Maybe God's attention would be more focused if we set something of His on fire?

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

When you speak about setting fires, you are speaking theoretically, right? Bonfires: good. Burning religious objects, not so good.

We are all good at talking to God whwn things are awful. Intently listening, not so much bit, when cultivated, the rewards are amazing.

God already knows what we will say and what we need, right? Ergo, the talking should be 1% of the unitive prayer. If we're patient, God answers and our lives are immeasurably improved.

Thank you VERY much for assuring me that you'll keep in touch. In God, we are One together and, my loving prayers will remain with you.

Time for these eyes to close now. I can barely read what I've written. Will PRAY FOR YOU before I slumber, tho. Giving you a giant psychic embrace. 💝💝

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

No, I was referring to some bothersome moons and comets. They burn nicely. The oxygen is a weird customer, though.

And I don't pray like others pray. I just talk because I do get feedback. Believe me if you think I'm a comedian, you should hear Him and how He talks to me! He is the ultimate smartass.

I'm just a sainted smartass.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication


Please check my profile. I am zealously working to open a MedBed healing center in Florida once the advanced Quantum healing chambers become available. I will happily pay for you, and a friend, to come and receive treatment completely free of charge. I would consider it a tremendous privilege to meet you so, my invitation is somewhat selfish. 😊

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Fantastic! Um...I have cats. I guess I could be away for a couple of days. I would love to be healed! And a little extra DNA coding...I have some stuff to do. And I'm not used to compression in the depths of the earth and all. I mean, you know? In a body. Otherwise it's just unnerving. At least I won't be in pain all the time and all the things wrong with me can become a thing of the past!

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

This technology WORKS. I've owned a small handheld device since 2009. I sustained a nasty fifth metatarsal fracture that bled from the toe to my ankle. I kept the Diadens on it for several hours, alternating with ice and advil for the swelling. The following day, I had NO pain with full weight bearing.

You will be fully healed. Every cell in our bodies have telomeres that emit a herz frequency. Diseased cells have a different freq., this technology reprogams unhealthy to healthy which completely heals. BELIEVE IT.

If you so desire, I will look into an Airbnb rental when you come that allows pets. If you're like me, you'll worry about your fur babies. 🙂

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Of course! I have cats that need healed. One has a bad eye, not sure if she's blind in that eye. One has a deformity he was born with, a back paw and it hurts him sometimes. One has a pelvic bone issue. She showed up on our doorstep one night and was in the first stages of pregnancy and had her bottom lip torn. I took her in, bathed her, and got her to the vet. Stitched up, and I had to get her fixed otherwise she would have died as her little bones would not be able to handle birthing any kittens. But she's running around and alive and well. But she still needs healed from whatever it was that caused the injuries.

With me, healing is what I need, but another element to it. A DNA coding that can withstand the pressures of other environments...if you can manage it. I'm going after something. And I can do this without the extra shielding, it's just...it would be nice is all I'm saying.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

There is a special, higher place in Heaven for those who save wounded animals! Thomas Aquinas said that he believes that animals have eternal souls, too.

Solid research into SCENAR devices, such as Diadens, confirms that it has a beneficial effect upon Neuropeptides (NP) and Regulatory peptides (RP). NP and RP are integral components of remodulation of the human genome.

MedBeds are light years more advanced than my little SCENAR device. Ergo, I opine that, it will rapidly heal DNA aberrations.

I LOVE how you think, I was thinking about purchasing a MedBed solely for animals, too. We would need to keep it segregated to avoid clientele who have allergies but, that should not be insuperable. Perhaps a small mobile home will suffice. 🙂

I have one question: Did you awaken feeling just a little bit better today? If so, your body is already beginning to repair ITSELF because your mind is orchestrating this change due to hope. That is the incredible power each one of us possesses.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

My sleeping is all over the map. I usually stay awake at night. Years, nay decades ago, I was a day person but the night terrors would increase. When I dream I go out, and so when I sleep I do it when the gates of day are open and the night is shut out. I've learned to live with the night stalkers on the other side. I've always escaped them, but sometimes I would awake with injuries sustained from my dreams. That stuff...that's very real. And I've been a target. But that's because I spy on the darkness, and its entities a lot.

I already wrote a journal of dream through various years, and can easily post up another one, that in a way continues from the first one and since you seem to like my writing...I'll give you something you may find interesting. Here I share with you a strange journey in REMs:

Best to read on a computer. Not a phone. So to answer your question, I've never really..."slept".

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

God Bless you! It is one more thing that we have in common, sleeplessness. I have expereinced some of what you describe but never physically attacked. That can be very dangerous. Have you researched spirit oppression or sought Godly intervention? Many suffer through no fault of their own and it can be removed. Oppression can cause numerous physical maladies that stump physicians bc they are caused by spirits.

Thank you for posting your blogspot, too! I will check it out.

May God grant you DEEP and PEACEFUL sleep tonight. Fervently praying for you!

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Well, yes and no. The oppression isn't so overwhelming on me because in fact, I'm the one going in, into those domains. I fight dark entities because that's how I'm wired. I've been known to burn with the blue (hottest part) of fire and take them down and cause a lot of havoc in their realms. I'm someone they'd like to kill, but for the most part, they're actually afraid of me. I do come from an element of fire. I've always known how to use it as a weapon. But sometimes they get the drop on me. I've come up with ways to keep my footing though.

Although I could be classified as a digital soldier, my rank goes way back in the past and I'm a soldier on many planes and dimension. I am a weapon that cannot be wielded by others. I've been a thorn in the dragon's side since the beginning. I'm an innocent and deadly all at the same time.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

FIRST, I have to say: I am COMPLETELY absorbed in your writings. On Chapter 7 now. 😀

I would recommend wearing blessed objects at all times to protect you because, these entities can do a massive amounts of damage and your inability to sleep may be their doing, too. I fully understand that you are sensitive and given the gift of astral travel but, please be careful. These are realms wherein evil can easily enter and wreak havoc with an untethered soul.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Wait till you get to Chapter 10...then you'll begin to understand why they fear me.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

Just read chapter 11! Are you familiar with Gematrix? Probably:

Hexagon: God Born in America.
Hexagonal Building: BARRON TRUMP


I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

Not familiar with it.

I have to tell you something about airplanes. When you're not in a physical sense there, it's hard to be in them. It's the air pressure. Very hard on you when you're anchored back to a body and yet out and around. The pressure in an airplane stifles your sense of breathing. It's weird, I know.

On the plus side, demons can't really follow people who board planes.

And I've thought about that crazy Twilight Zone story about 20,000 feet and nightmares; the demon was never in the plane. In every telling of that story, it's on the outside. When you do astral you travel at higher speeds than an airplane. There's no need to actually be near one.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

Yes, on a conceptual basis, I know what you're saying. Once, while praying unmovingly, I felt a rocking motion, South to North. Immediately, I questioned what was happening and knew that it was my soul being drawn from my body. In simple words: I freaked out and it immediately stopped. Was it God drawing me? In retrospect, I think so. Astral projection still disquiets me very much. I have read a plethora about spiritual realms to combat what I have encountered in the terrestrial realm, traveling to another has its risks.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

I guess I was always an expert then. I remember the pathways. I've been able to go back and forth. The wind I can sail and steady with silver feet, and a skill in battle. In short, my spirit is too fierce. The only thing evil can do to me is physically harm me by way of demonic people and sometimes the harm comes from the disembodied, and through loss of those and things I love. But when it comes to me, as in self, it can never withstand my fire. I am a weapon. Pure and unphased in that respect. If God has a Seal Team anything, I'm the one that lead those missions.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

Yes, it certainly appears that you have been selected by God and your willingness to endure the physical onslaught that accompany your position is admirable. I'd like to believe that this battle, in which we all have a role, is soon ending and Quantum MedBed therapy will heal you.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

I speak of spirit. In my condition now, I could not battle. But free of a body and I would be unstoppable. I could not be put into another one, and, well it's not my style. However I'm reluctant to die now. Unless I have to. So yes, a med bed for me would be my wish. I can still go after the ancient beast in a body, but I really will need healed first. So far in this world and in this war, it's Beastie 2, Nacky 0. I'm not doing too great.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

You, your devoted friends and I will ensure your complete healing. This battle against the principalities of darkness is SOON coming to an end. God is ensuring the vanquishment of evil because it sought the death of all faithful humanity, leaving only luciferians to rule the Earth. God said NO and has enabled lightbearers to overcome the dark.

SO many amazing technologies will be released once this battle is fully won, evil is adjudicated and executed. In my humble estimation, this will usher in HEAVEN UPON EARTH.

Once again, thank you for sharing your incredible and skilled writings with me. Please, stay in touch.

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

You know...with your skills you could gather some elements of an ancient tree that's here in Arkansas. You'll have to excuse the fact I refer to this place generally as Mordor. But it's like that. Ever since the Clintons manifested from here, it's been a slow Hell in the making. And while everyone now knows the evil of the Clinton witch, we here in Mordor have had a front row seat for decades on what she and her lord of evil have done. To everywhere here. It began in Mena and in Whitewater. Drug trafficking and land grabbing. Anyway, that's the book of bad tidings, as you may know. But the ancient tree that's now Mount Magazine still has remnants of magic. If you can get a med bed here, in the dark of the moon, I'll slip in and be out whenever the healing is complete. This is a starting point. Because I'll bring the Egyptian Stone with me. And the tree is here. My connection to it. There is something the mountain will remember. I carry it with me, as well.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

Well, I have considered putting a MedBed on a recreational vehicle. So, that is a definite possibility. I PROMISE to post all business plans when everything begins to coalesce. 🙏🤍🦋

I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

If the RV ever happens, you will be able to get these med beds then? I mean, you have contacts and such? If it ever happens I kinda wanna be just another random person, no big production number. If there is some big production thing, I'll be in the audience. I like slipping in unnoticed and out like a ninja. You know, Mr Chillybites...he used to work for NASA. And he understands the Frankenstein bit. But it's something that in abstraction I feel not so out of place.

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

I'll have ~$8 million once exchanged. Will spend $1- 1.5 mil on the beds. The rest will be in an interest bearing account to cover free services.

I completely understand wanting to blend in, have been a lifelong introvert until God changed me. Now, I'm a bit of a warrior for truth (hence the name Veritas, latin for truth). We can dm when the date gets closer, I am 100% accommodative. At some point, we might establish small satellite centers, too. I also like the mobile idea getting to people who are homebound. 🙂

That introvert conversion thing and the Warrior For Truth and I’ll add, For Goodness and Love to prevail over Evil and to Heal and at least try with all Power Available to Rectify effects of past Evil, seems to be catching on as of late. Know it and live it to the fullest myself! Nothing I won’t do these days in pursuit.
Small Satellite Centers and Homebound...yeah this mobile idea could be the ticket...

In response Deus Omnipotens to his Publication

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