INCEST 🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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Again, if Patriot's were REALLY and TRULY in Control, we would KNOW it and SEE it by now.
Amazing how hoodwinked the average American Patriot is.
When will everyone come to the realization only WE can end this entire mockery? Time is of the MOTHER FUCKING essence!

It doesnt matter. We domt libe in a Constitutional Republic so she can literally bomb DC and get a medal.

Exactly. If Patriots REALLY and TRULY in Control, why haven't we SEEN trash like this HANG? Better yet, why haven't we SEEN any justice at all? You can sugar coat, throw out stuff about God and Flynn and Trump and Powell, but point blank and mother fucking bottom line, we have SEEN zero justice. Not a single PUBLIC arrest of KNOWN and CAREER DC pure trash swamp treasonous triators.
Again....NOT A SINGLE ARREST. Ask yourself why. The answer is also the answer to the question "just WHO is REALLY and TRULY in control RIGHT NOW and TODAY".
It's not patriots. Cue Donald John Trump with ANOTHER meaningless cookie cutter press release as good, grand and glorious American Patriots continue to suffer, some to their ultimate and untimely demise, the country over.
Baffling what we are ALL witnessing!