Still baffled at why the audit matters. Flynn said they have all the evidence in hand. Start the arrests already! My God, why the special treatment for those who committed treason and sedition?
Oh man get out of my head! JUST had this convo with a friend of mine. Soooooooo...... what if, this audit will fail. What if, all the drama surrounding the drama was meant to happen.... exposing more media/dem bullshit. What if.... that's the entire point of it all?
Same friend told me last year:::: Everything civilian is broken.
That has to be the only reason for the audit. Just ask Genny Flynn. If they have ALL the evidence and Flynn is being honest and truthful, the audits are nothing more than dragging out the scam so they can delay justice for whatever reason.
Again, cannot wait for the explanation as to why they couldn't start "The Great Awakening" well before today. Right now we SEE nothing at all except Trump cookie cutter comments and the grifters ALL claiming they have ALL the evidence, but ZERO arrests of the thousands involved in the scam.
Doesn't seem to concern many. Schiff roams freely and unencumbered. Swalwell still taunting Trump. McConnell still lying every single day. Zero justice. But I I go knock out someone from BLM it's headline news and I pay the price instantly.
Is this STILL America? We have NO country at all.