Ouid - not what you think. Operating Under the Influence of Divinity. :)

The COVID vaccines are not gene editing.
CRISPR/Cas-9 is a separate thing, and it is not being used by the vaccines.
The mRNA stuff is a completely different mechanism and does not go into the nucleus of cells, where your DNA is stored.
yes, agreed. They were already working on the method for gene editing is the point.

They were and that's no secret.
There is in of itself nothing wrong with that technology. There is a lot of positive upside to be had if it works out. People are already being treated for some rare, previously untreatable conditions. So gene therapy can, does and will improve lives.
The problem and danger being highlighted is that this technology will inevitably end up in the wrong hands as it gets cheaper, and the damage could be magnitudes worse than any other dangerous technology before.
The same is being said about AI for example.
It's a real argument, it needs to be discussed, but blanket banning technological progress won't work. You can't stop that. Someone will do it, worst case it will be China and we won't have bargaining chips because we took the moral high ground.
Best we can do is adapt and move into this new world as safely as possible. Ultimately, that's the least bad option.