Cant stop the storm that is coming. Twitter ain’t shit. MERICA MOTHER FUCKERS. FREEDOM!!! Q nation. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Democrat scum. This is the way
Okay so a few days ago my coworker and I (he doesn’t believe in Q or support any of it he’s 19 he’s young buck) saw 2 police trucks that we have never seen before in our area dark blue like the local police we both thought it was weird. We got onto the high way and then seen 2 state troopers transporting a huge over sized load truck with a big white tarp over it so you couldn’t see what was inside both thinking that’s weird again. We yesterday on my way home from work I pass the same police trucks but this time there was 5 of them and an ambulance behind them painted the same color blue (dark blue) me being in a illegal I inspected Jeep I was making sure they weren’t looking at me well let’s just say they aren’t police or swat or anything like that. They wore multicam uniforms had there helmets on the dash beards and high and tights. Not standard military at all. Spec ops?? Local swat uses OD green uniforms or black or dark blue not multicam. But it gets better they were coming back f
fort Indiana town Gap the huge ass military base right by my house literally drive my Jeep off road and I’m in the gap but the gap is now closed down to locals can’t go bird watching or wheeling anymore. So what’s going on??