In response Diana AndDennis to her Publication
que c'est bien dit 😎

In response Diana AndDennis to her Publication
As a little girl, I grew up hearing stories about communisn and rigged elections from family and friends who had survived tyranny in Latin America. One story resonates the most... "as she stepped onto the plane, he pulled her hand and removed her last precious possession, her wedding band" - that is Castro's Cuba. That is communism. We are the last bastion of freedom. Fight for your liberties. There is no plan b. 💪🏻🕊🌟

ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health
In response Diana AndDennis to her Publication
Seeing these numbers speaks volumes on the lengths [they] went to in effort to steal the election.

In response Diana AndDennis to her Publication
I found you girl!!! WWG1WGA