I wonder if he actually was truly elected or was he placed via fraud? He wasn't even born in the U.S. and never qualified. All of his EO's should be stricken and he should be removed from the list of U.S. Presidents and go down in the hall of shame for being a U.S. hating, treason committing, born in Kenya imposter.
I completely agree! He was placed; groomed his whole life. I lived in IL when he was a senator... he was a nobody!
I recall the Media pushing him as an up and coming leader, "hip" "charismatic" and "All the Rage" with Hollywood supporters. They used project mocking bird to brainwash and influence people into believing he was popular and awesome. When you go back and listen to the words of speeches, he was awful. I was born and raised in the burbs (DuPage County) moved away in '93. He helped set up the city's current Nazi regime before he moved on to D.C. The crime now is unbelievable. Ya know the whole area was thriving in the 80s/90s and corporations were all setting up in the city and burbs providing tons of jobs with upper level management and executive positions, they had all of their manufacturing plants in the burbs and then Democrat Mayor Daily sent in a Bulldozer to destroy the runway at Meigs field during the night to turn it into a park. It was where all the corporate jets and commuter planes flew into making it easy for those doing business in the LOOP and the corps all left. Not good.