I love the Lord, with all my Spirit, Soul and Body. I am a Mother of 3 grown adults, we have 3 grandchildren. I love my Country and freedom.
Wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Greatgrandmother, Aunt, Cousin. Retired, Louisiana Workforce Commission, and Child of God. Trump Lover.
proof please?
I love the Lord, with all my Spirit, Soul and Body. I am a Mother of 3 grown adults, we have 3 grandchildren. I love my Country and freedom.
Go to tic toc look it up ,or FDA...
Wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Greatgrandmother, Aunt, Cousin. Retired, Louisiana Workforce Commission, and Child of God. Trump Lover.
When is one going to believe that Tic Toc is evil. Oh btw I did search at the time and couldn't find proof.
I love the Lord, with all my Spirit, Soul and Body. I am a Mother of 3 grown adults, we have 3 grandchildren. I love my Country and freedom.
I am sorry you got the vaccine. But God says trust no man ...
especially the media, thy are evil.. The thief comes to kill and destroy and that is the devil... He hates us because we are sons of GOD... He wants us all dead, and to control everything...
Look up: Vernon Coleman
Wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Greatgrandmother, Aunt, Cousin. Retired, Louisiana Workforce Commission, and Child of God. Trump Lover.
me got the vacvinne. Not on my life, I don't beg to be euthanize. Because I question the bullshit, don't mean I got the vacinne. LOL
I am sorry, I should not of even Judged you... Really forgive me for behaving as such.. God Bless you.