I'm going heavy CGI on you because this movie can end in ways unthinkingable. I want you prepared. Know the movie portion is just that the movie. The reality is the military is now in control until the new elections. Just remember we were warned the ending isn't for everybody. For those who are awake and paying close attention you'll do just fine. But the ride may get bumpy.
Ultimately, this is a Spiritual Battle we are in. I've had several thoughts about the phrase "The End Won't Be For Everyone". Is it possible that it's because not Everyone Will Be Here For The End?
I really think we are at the end of the age or time as we know it. God coming for His Children?😇❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
"Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." DJT
What do you think about the idea that we stay, they go (ending for them not everyone) and it is 1000 year reign of Christ?
Yes, that's possible as well. Or maybe we go onto another timeline to the New Earth (1,000 Reign of Christ)and they remain here on this 3D Earth while we ascend to the 5D Earth.
"Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." DJT
wherever God is and reigns, that is where I want to be!