Labyrinth & Rabbit Hole Investigator . Love President Trump & First Lady . JK & CBK . DS . MP . MF . LW . SP . MJ . EP. IK . P & Q All
ROTHSCHILD =#CrimesAgainstHumanity#Murder#genocide#fraud
I just read another patent from 2015 by Gates, et. al.
The technology allows material injected into the body to be controlled remotely. They were busy in 2015.
I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
Thanks for the patent. Wow. Reading it is a lot different than seeing it in a meme.
Sure seems like this has been planned for while.
I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
Transmit and Receive
I was telling everyone this when Covid first came around saying they were going to force a vax on us and inject us with nano tech to remote control us. It was why I got suspended from twatter, and all posts were censored on fb with a complete shadow banning. I am going to encourage everyone to learn how to modulate your frequency. There is no walking around on auto pilot with tech like this out there. Turn you phones of when not in use and go out far into nature, lake, ocean as possible, even though Elons starlink satellites can find and beam to us anywhere we are, the frequencies of nature will better support your connection to God-Christ Light-Cosmic Intel and you will be less likely to be manipulated. Keep your diet clear and clean, keep your vibration high with copious amounts of gratitude given for the simplest of things. Mediate and connect with God, Universal Intelligence- daily and know your core values so you can better recognize if being impulsed to compromise them. Godspeed.
Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
Thanks for your post! I posted the patent for those saying there's a connection between the vax and electromagnetic frequencies.
You're right!!
It's was so silly, and unconstitutional, to be censored for sharing information, but, I'm glad you are here.
You are also right about getting into nature, connecting and raising our frequencies. I think that's our job now.
Is there any where that doesn't have all these satellites? No one asked me if I wanted to be under a grid.
Is it possible we followed one another on Twit? We had some very smart people talking about weather.
Again, thanks for your post and great advice.