Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.
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One Key Element to Consider as Patriots attempt to understand and properly discern and decode political moves taking place is to understand WHITE HATS are in control of media and have kept the Obama Smith Mundt Act legalizing Propaganda in Media is being used by White Hats to disorient the enemy in these final stages of the Silent War. We Censored Patriots strategically to move them to new Trusted Platforms ...Game Theory Moves. Article soon validating this Truth.
Validating Blog Articles: gf4justice.com

So, all of us that were censored , banned and had social media accounts deleted , were banned and harrassed by white hats ???

Retired bone shaman, classical musician, Akita mom.
Yeah, my thoughts as well. IT is difficult to know what to think.
in my opinion white hats are working for black sun...
general milley paying blackwater operatives with bitcoin received from nsa...
lots of proof of that
Dragon families elders were welcomed to langley,were hosted at patterson base while trying to hack into global repository to try to establish QFS
then you have djt secret meeting with bill gates and promising to support his dna changing vaccine, promised $$$billions for that
starlink trying to establish QFS and giving control to nsa..attempt lasted whole of 7m and 30s, so they were shut down and tunnel in minnesota that hosted nsa global internet control hub was destroyed , cia is next