plants,leafs,fruits and roots all being organic materials
designed by the sovereign creator to compliment
our body and provide total nourishment in order
to keep good health.
All minerals contained in them being in organic form are easily absorbed by the human body and used as building blocks
for body repair and growth.
The water contained in fresh fruit is the best medicine and fuel for the body available on earth
WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!
YES!!! I am new to being a naturalist but I am a quick learner and I practice what I
WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!
If more ppl only knew, believed, or listened. I am not a shaman but I would gladly sing and pray to the ancestors for someones health if that is what was needed......