This is to prep the sleeping masses for all the upcoming deaths of the political elites
Pelosi — 75% of Congress got the Vax
I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Wish they would just tell us that the "elites" died from being totally murdering scumbags. The truth should be in the best interests regardless of the idiots who have more issues than time, newsweak, and people combined.
IKR?! The truth is the best policy and is sorely needed right now IMO too! How else is credibility going to be built up that has been more than lost, it has almost been irreparably damaged.
God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
"Newsweak" 🤣🤣🤣
I just re-read Q drop 34 and gained a new perspective regarding this worldwide covert op and the push to kill through the c19 injection.
We are at war against millions of sycophants who will utterly destroy our Nation at the behest of the cabal. These are the people rushing to take the bioweapon. Innocent people are always unintended collateral victims during war and this one is no different. I cannot describe how painful it has been knowing that 35-50% of this nation will be dead bc of these horrific preparations. Massive depopulation will occur....Ignorance kills.
Bottom Line: Covert means fewer good, well informed people will face unnecessary death.