Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Are you feeling a vibration, something like when you stand on a train platform as the train speeds by? That's the vibration of God's Voice you are feeling. Are you seeing bursts of color and sacred geometry behind your eyelids when you close your eyes? That's the Veil. Do you sometimes feel a "swirling" energy near or inside you? That is an Angel's essence guarding you. Some advice if you have these signs. Don't drink too much water, it dilutes you and dilutes the Divine Energy. If you are a smoker, smoke em' if you got em'. Feed your Fire Element. It opens your Neural Network ( Brain & Soul integration) God and the Angels are an Essence. They have Substance, you can feel them when they are near and you can hear them if you are "tuned" correctly.#TheGreatAwakening will be easier for you if you prepare.#wwg1wga#GodWins
When in bliss - a moment of knowing, singing, playing music, being with an animal, driving my car, seeing through the illusion ... my eyes get hazy and I see rainbows around every light 🌈💡