you are most likely better off without the poison they prescribe anyway

Truth Stands Strong. Stand strong with Truth. #GodWins
write Trump a letter and let him know this!

Twitter refugee booted 4 times. MAGA, 45, 17, 2A, all in & Trust The Plan. 80%DAV Army & Navy vet whose oath never expires. 🇺🇸
Thank you. i did do that on the 1st day on his new website. I’m optomistic he’ll do something even if it’s behind the scenes.


Political curiosity brought me on a much needed spiritual journey ThanQs to #JA #Digital Soldiers #17 #45 #SaveTheChildren #WWG1WGA #GodWins
This is unacceptable! What's worse? If people don't start taking a stand! together!! for each other!!! I'm outraged!! I thank you for your service and really hope that you are able to make a difference & get the treatment you need & deserve. I also offer you an apology, on behalf of my fellow countrymen who continue this charade at the expense of the rights & freedoms that our cherished Veterans served to protect for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US!! Bless you!

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
HERE IS HIS WEBSITE ....please reach out to him to see if he can help you!!!!!!

You can’t bring out the dark without Turning on the light. It’s about the children it’s always about the children The future is bright 🫶
I refused to test at my VA job. of 14 years I was walked out the door and asked not come back until I tested. I ended quiting in the end they said they would fire me for
Unauthorized absences after 3days Called everyone for help just got run around for 3 days its not that much time ,at first they told us its would not mandated than they mad it “required” after a few weeks of testimg staff it was all vary shady 🤷♀️ Had to save my pension in the end it was for the best FYI, it was a nursing home VA I did not want to be a apart of it three months of seeing loved ones seperated from family being keeped in a small space seeimg how that affected the residents broke my hart some of them thought they
did something wrong nobody asked them what they wanted if givin the choice Would you want to DIE LIVING OR LIVE TO DIE 😢sorry for the rambling anyway VA 🤬

Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
So...let them know the vaccine has no FDA approval! They cannot make you take it even if approved....unconstitutional and they KNOW it! Your treatment is not based on the medications they want you to take!

Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
This is heartbreaking to me! First I wish to Thank You for your Service, second, this reminds me when I fly to Calif to help my Father, when a nursing home put him in the street, and I couldn't get the VA to take him!! My Dad served 27yrs USMC, Agent Orange had ravished him!! I am so sorry for you!! You deserve the best we have to give!!!

All "vaccines" are experimental, FDA approval is for emergency use only. The "vaccines" aren't vaccines. They are experimental drugs. The clinical trials will NOT be completed until 2023. Subjects for the clinical trials = the human population. Some countries banned some vaccines. There's an ongoing lawsuit (Nuremberg)
VAERS is the website about adverse reactions but may not be comprehensive.
There was a list of health issues that, if people have them, they should not be vaccinated.
America's Frontline Doctors have gone against the media & democrat mandates. They offer medicines for covid via telemedicine. They offer info about vaccine exemption: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org
Dr Stella Emanuel of TX https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/09/03/dr-stella-emmanuel-cleared-by-texas-medical-board-for-complaint-while-real-criminal-doctors-still-free-after-murdering-millions
And Dr Roger Hodkinson Pandemic is over

Conservative lady who stands for INTEGRITY. I served from '78-'81 and had the privilege of working for Adm. Rickover in Washington,
To add (can't do edit on our comments) - my Primary care wrote a letter medically excusing me from wearing a mask. She did this if I agreed to be responsible with it ( like when I get have to go to the VA to wear it). I have the letter which states the mask is a burden for me.

Conservative lady who stands for INTEGRITY. I served from '78-'81 and had the privilege of working for Adm. Rickover in Washington,
WHAT!?!? So sorry you went through this! I have an upcoming appointment with my Primary Care. I hope they don't pull this stunt on me. I am concerned about doing labs in the morning before my appointment. Are they going to try to force the jab? If so - I will get up and walk out. I AM thankful, though, that my doctor is not supportive of the jab, BUT she is required by the VA to "ask". I know she won't push me to get it. I won't say where I am at, for her protection. But goodness!

Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
Impressive letter! Great job! Sorry you had to write it but it's going to help a lot of other people. It reminded me of Leigh Dundas' recent talk:
Can't wait to hear their response.
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Sue them. It is illegal to force someone to take an experimental drug, not FDA approved, only emergency use approval. Only lawsuits will work against these fascists violating civil rights.