🤔 This would be wonderful. Many of us have waited for this for the past year only to see the timeline / goal post moved over and over again. Then to see more and more corruption and attempts at destruction of our country and it's long held values. Nesara / Gesara would be so amazing - for EVERYONE on on the planet, even the corrupt ones. But at this point it has turned into a carrot on a stick. Now we once again have a new timeline / goal post of May 1st (May Day) and all these things will somehow finally come to fruition in May and all will be right with the world again. JFK returns. Yay! Lady Diana's alive. Woohoo! And maybe Michael Jackson will return. Hillary hung - THANK YOU JESUS! But what do we do once again when May comes and goes and we're still here in this unblessed hell and the senile sniffer beholden to whomever has the puppet strings for the day is still destroying everything?