Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
😢😢 Doq, do you remember MikeBravoDude -- young patriot diagnosed w/ leukemia months ago? His health has rapidly declined and he has gone into hospice care and saying goodbye to family & friends. He has a wife & two very young children. A GoFundMe has been set up for his medical care and family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-michael-buono-fund
Please kerp them in your prayers 🙏
Fundraiser by Mike Buono : The Michael Buono Fund
My name is Tiffany, wife of Mike and mama to our two beautiful children. We are facing unimaginable … Mike Buono needs your support for The Michael Buono Fund
https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-michael-buono-fundSee my other post about drinking ozonated water daily and or using an ozone sauna if a clinic nearby has one. You can find ozone generators for making ozonated water under $100. online. It kills cancer. 1/3 baking soda in a glass of water every day is even cheaper and easier for getting the body better alkalized.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
you mean a 1/3 of a tsp?

Oh my, great catch, mahalos. I wish I could edit it. People should go buy PH test strips if they are serious about alkalizing and removing meat from the diet to get PH up above levels that support cancer growth may be necessary. If you take too much baking soda or OVER alkalize, you can get a wicked head ache and such. 1/3 tsp a day in water is enough to help shift but not so much to take you overboard. Easy to digest living "raw" foods is a simple way to stay alkalized. Try a meat, dairy and grain free diet as they create a lot of acidic metabolic waste. If one can get there they will be rewarded with high energy levels, clear thinking, clear skin, more peaceful disposition and notice a reduction in any inflammatory based health issues. People have reversed diabetes, arthritis and more on a living foods diet. Grains metabolize like a sugar and cause inflammation and acid waste. Being caustic will cause a person to corrode. Cancer eats away at people. It is what it is. Prevention!

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
apple cider vinegar also balances PH

Yes, I love it and use it almost daily. I consume things for their nutritional or medicinal value, not so much to enjoy eating in and of itself. ACV is a hard sell for many. All other vinegars are very caustic but ACV does a body good and helps to kill all sorts of fungal bacterial and parasitic infections too. It's easiest to start using it in salads. Some people drink a pure ounce everyday to keep the doctor away.👍

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
they are VERY VERY expensive though..so i filter my water and use an ionizer

You can find them for around $50. Not only can you make drinking water with one, you can soak your produce in them to clean them before eating. You can ozonate your bath water for a great detox bath and to help clean the tap water filling the tub. You can even ozonate oils for making healing salves. If it can cure cancer and it has for people, $50 is nothing compared to chemo. Negative ions are great too as they neutralize all toxins which carry an extra positive ion. Lets just get it all out there for those waking up to Big Pharma and the Sick Care industry who are ready to return to natures best. Godspeed.