🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
We mourn the great Patriots that we have lost since last Spring alone. This is why it is imperative that we continue to take care of ourselves with healthy consumption, hydration, walks, balance, enjoyment... Our world has been under an incredible level of stress and, though we are positioned with a unique knowing, ours is a stress of it’s own unique variety. Please keep well Patriot.
Resting in meditation.
Nana's new outdoor swing turns into a bed!
So peaceful.
It is almost pool and lake time in TN.
Nana will be doing a lot of grounding in the water and cloud watching.
We have to take care and keep our frequencies high.
Thank you my fren for all you do.
Nana loves you, you are such a blessing.