Proud patriot mama and wife! ❤️🤍💙 Digital soldier 👊 Lover of frogs 🐸 Favorite food: popcorn 🍿 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Trolls get blocked 🙅🏻♀️
Oh, I am having fun on FB tonight. Serving up some roasted liberals 😋
Hope all you anons are out there kicking ass and taking names too!
#QFamily#HoldTheLine#letmeknowifyouneedbackup 😉
Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
I think@administrator should check you out or some fro**/s cuz you sound like a cannibal. Anons don't appreciate anything to do with the ways of any language pertaining to EATING PEOPLE! It is unethical, immoral and SATANIC! We see you and the almighty creator sees you. "These people are sick"! Language is your downfall.
what the FUCK are you talking about?!?😂😂😂😂😂 serving as in “you got served” and she said ‘ass’?!!! you are cray cray lady and its ones like u who make us look the same. holy fuckin shit, ya nutball.
Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
Absolutely NOT, READ IT! "Serving up roasted..." this is what I call indoctrinated. I'm much older than you, I can tell your age by how you write and talk! All anons know about the children and no one would insinuate any talk near like a satanic Hollywood fan!
Taking names for what? We don't waste time with that, alright. Swearing either like a trash can DOES NOT make you a true and honorable patriot! Much learning to do here.
Proud patriot mama and wife! ❤️🤍💙 Digital soldier 👊 Lover of frogs 🐸 Favorite food: popcorn 🍿 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Trolls get blocked 🙅🏻♀️
Stop saying “we” like anyone has even attempted to agree with you. We are all on this platform because we know of the horrific things that has happened to these poor children. You are making yourself look like a total twat attacking an anon who fully supports this movement. Maybe you don’t understand the term “served” or “roasted” because you are “much older.” If you spent half the time attacking dumbass liberals on other platforms as you did me then you could call yourself a true anon.
Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
And what makes you think I have not been in the battle and spent thousand of hours on several platforms. Who are you? You know nothing about me but I sure struck a nerve. If you were really concerned about the children you would NEVER use this kind of talk, "serving and roasting" THAT IS HORRIBLE!
Looks like your hook bill is effecting your vision to the keyboard, as No One would type the rubbish you have put on display for all to see.
This message has been brought to you by a Boomer.
Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
Again, look how you talk. Another language only indoctrinated youths talk amongst each other. This is exactly the kind of TALK that President Trump talks about. None of you even recognizing how disrespectful this is. All because I spoke my opinion on how offended I was about using terms as "serve and roasting" when talking about people. You are all really sick minded. There is something wrong with speaking like this, alright. Society has lost its way for the last 20-30 years and it shows, just look around you. I try and share some wisdom and I get arrogance in return. Memories are powerful, healthy ones, just remember that dear soul.
“Served” and “roasted” are both obvious metaphors for getting under someone’s skin, but you know this, right? Surely you didn’t think the original poster had grilled some humans and was eating them.
Virtue signalling takes on all kinds of forms.