Cashing In: Adam Schiff Lands Deal for Book About Impeaching Trump
🗣️hey dumbass... you failed both times!
Cashing In: Adam Schiff Lands Deal for Book About Impeaching Trump
During the impeachment inquiry, connections between Schiff and the whistleblower were threaded through the controversy. fearing USA Patriot. Desire for truth & justice. Kindness, Compassion & love must prevail in our lives. Constitution must be upheld.
Shame on Adam Schiff. Not only was the impeachment processes a false flag but it built on a foundation of lies, tricks and hate. Those democrats (in and out of Washington) that spewed the most lies and hate the loudest were guilty themselves of crimes against humanity. How uncivilized, unprofessional and unethical. He calls himself a statemen, I'd call him a traitor and treasonous.
Truth seeker. Run everything through a BS filter - looking for the agenda. All media is manipulated - waiting for that to change.
I can't believe he is still free - Standard Hotel.
Should help if there is another toilet paper shortage