Q knows! God knows! Every lie will be revealed! 237,000+ Indictments - Every single one of them are Satan worshippers disguised as Freemasons!

Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)
Masons: putting the G over-men-t
G stands for Geometry. The Occult worships signs, symbols and ultimately Satan! Symbols will be their downfall - Q

Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)
I'm just adding to that
the G in government
is the masons and all they stand for...
G over men
I felt quite cleaver when I made that up.

Good take! I get it now. I get alot of Masonic simpathizers so just wanted to make sure the G in your post wasnt referring to God.