I opened up my own Trump headquarters due to frustration. I’ve seen that in the Trump organization, very few signs are out there, very few Donald Trump hats are out there, so being very frustrated and very positive for Trump, I went ahead, with my own expense, to open up the headquarters. I’d like to scream to our nation, to America, that we have now a Donald Trump headquarters. I’m trying as best as possible to have almost every American wear a Donald Trump hat, a T-shirt, a bumper sticker, a lawn sign. We have to have leadership, new leadership. Support for TRUMP! ====>>>https://t.ly/NLxS
#Trump#trump2021#donaldtrump2024#PresidentTrump#Freedom#Patriot#Trump2020#trumpnews#trumpwon#teamtrump#MAGA#KAG#FightBack#WhiteHouse#AmericaFirst#usanews#NEWS #Patriots

Until peoples rights to put signs on their cars, shirts, lawns and hats is protected from hate crimes, you will be on a slow moving trump train. Where I live, Trump promotional material gets vandalized quickly. Trump headquarters needs to formulate a MASSIVE push to get the truth out about how race friendly Trump has been his whole life. The media has so many people believing he is racist and we know its far from the truth. Otherwise, also create some generic Patriot and pro U.S. Constitution material to help send communists a message. It's not about Trump. Its about saving Freedom, Basic god given rights, the U.S. Constitution and the Constitutional Republic. That should be our over all message. Trump is still widely hated and in many places, people have been attacked or killed for wearing his name. This all needs to be addressed and sorted out if you really want to see a wave of fan fare out there grow.