We do not. I no longer recognize government as having authority. I am sovereign
Are you on a boat sovereign, as in, not paying property tax or a rent to anyone? ( That's a goal of ours) Hilary wanted to make claim to all the oceans and charge sailors use tax and have to report their crossings. Does she have a protege for that dumbass idea? Did you undue your "birth certificate" that made you collateral for our national debt and cash yourself ( social security number) out? I'm simply curious, how sovereign is your sovereignty. We all should be pushing for it. The earth is inherited to all of us from its and our creator.
I live in Texas. I will not recognize illegitimate government. I own my homes free and clear. I am self employed. I have not reversed my birth certificate but I know how. My position is it is fraudulent. i do not have to reverse fraud. I will if I have to but why do anything until forced. I figure it would be at least 3 years. I will not acquiesce on even smallest issue so if this is not fixed in 3 years, I am likely dead, gone done shooting. I would not wear a mask. Even to avoid death or arrest. I believe self preservation is choosing evil
Let me know if I can add any more