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If something does not come from our creator(Jesus) it is wretched. Jesus alone is good. Jesus is the only Way,Truth, Life. Simply ask Jesus.
Joey: I have read your story: US VET HERE: Former U.S. Army Chaplin's assiatant: I live in The Portland area.Perhaps unblock private messages 2 me and I can give you my cell number. Perhaps even drive down there. Meet up?
The truth is getting a dog is a brilliant idea as it would get a guy out of self and something to love. However this and all other things are just bandaids. They help a tiny bit 4 a tiny bit but they don't fix the core issue.
I'm going 2 be blunt. As u need the full Truth. You need Jesus brother. He alone is God and He alone is good and anything that did not come from Him is Profane and just a empty counterfeit. Your wife is not the enemy. The Devil broke up your marriage. However Jesus is able 2 restore it. You are getting attacked by Spirits of Suicide, depression, Anxiety(all diff types of Demons.) Surrender fully unto Jesus. Say Take me Jesus- I'm yours! Save me Jesus! And watch what He does! 4 He Delivers, Protects, Provides all who are in Him(Christ Jesus