“I just got the vaccine and I feel great!”
(Said No One Ever)
Younger Sister just died...found out yesterday.
During Cov asked her to look at research..she told me she would take a weekly jab if offered.
She rapidly developed tumors after jabs...seemed in a blink. Spine was splintering.. surgically went in to put rods discovered tumors suspect cause of spine splintering. Tumors both front back of spine...
Now she is gone..so quickly. 16 months younger ..
We were not viewing the same...she runs through my memory a toddler at peace she was happier then.
Once Canoeing she asked me to stop paddling I laid back alerted when tree limbs nearly hit the canoe. She and son had no life vest on, next I knew we were upside down.
I was laughing so hard I was afraid I'd pee...
Then I realized she can't swim nor her son.
She was pushing me under...got to other side of Canoe grabbed her and her son.
Other Kayakers came to help...
She wouldn't get back in boat..had to to return.
She told me I saved her life again...
Remembered this last nite fal