….that created the (All Capital Letters) “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” thereby creating a private U.S. corporation which is its own city-state of its own country with its. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in all capitals, represents a fictitious corporation. Your birth certificate, drivers license, SSN, bank statements, are all written in capital letters, which means you have registered, submitted and/or applied to be a part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, corporation as a fictitious character.The Owners of the private corporation, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are the City of London and the Vatican.
The United States of America is written in small cap letters and represents the original constitution of America. One must not “join” the U.S. corporation if they wish to have the rights of “Free” people but by registering, submitting or applying, we are unwittingly joining the U.S corporation, which for most of us starts at our birth.