Buy physical silver. You can thank me later.

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Drop the Hammer to his Publication

I have been getting 1oz now and then as funds allow, might be tiny but I hope it plays a small part in bringing them down.

I can dream it might turn in to some land one day🐵🥈

In response Awake Elf to her Publication

Every ounce counts. Good job.

Thanks, have convinced 2 family members to start as well... if I knew more Id probably be more convincing haha

In response Drop the Hammer to his Publication

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In response Awake Elf to her Publication

If your friends are family are in the stock market tell them to buy PSLV. They will thank you later.

🐸 💗 ☮️ 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

In response Drop the Hammer to his Publication

Thanks for the tip, so far they all want to hold it in their hands lol

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