I have to recommend what I call, Charlie's redpill", full of old and new, but much needed inspiration for these weighing times (waiting). While watching, I understood we can be a Great Nation; but a great person is open to interpretation. President Trump referred to the Davos attendees as Great Corporations, open to interpretation. JFK JR quote:“People often tell me I could be a great man. I'd rather be a good man.” This tells me the rest.
The Red Pill Or Blue Pill , What Will You Choose? – Dr. Charlie Ward
<a href="https://drcharlieward.com/the-red-pill-or-blue-pill-what-will-you-choose/">WATCH NOW</a>
Sheeple Hunter, TRUTH= scorned wounded Beast but her honour must be defended, 4SHE LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND #WWG1WGA #AllRoad$L€ad2Switzyood
BE CAREFUL WHO Y FOLLOW i.e. Should there be bail for claimants of#QWHISPERING, Truther profiteers, NEW AGE NAZI KAPOS/ Merch Peddlers? = Gratuitous Ammo for the Sheeple & mainstream leftists to label the#GREATAWAKENING#MAGA a GLOBAL HOPEIUM PSYOP Should they face a public#TrumpbergTribunal? i.e. 6 DEGREES OF SEPARATION FROM THE ROTHSCHILDS + G. MAXWELL+ SAVILE
#LIESABOUTTRUMPCUFFLINKS https://youtu.be/ohfI8bg4FuU
Child Trafficking Victim Remembers Ward from Private Jets https://youtu.be/eTLmTY1kTO0 M SEEKER OF TRUTH https://youtube.com/channel/UCxqMBC2MHo1u4t8zl0wERBw/videos
On a positive note https://youtube.com/watch?v=n2CLolLNa_c
#NarcissistSigns https://youtu.be/Hg4ws1QPeNE
#CatchMeIfYCan#FrankAbagnale https://youtu.be/vsMydMDi3rI
I will look into what you shared, as I considered what Charlie shared. It wasn't about Charlie, it was mostly information from "more reliable sources" replayed. Many people have been asked to play a role. Very few are privy to it all, or moving the chess pieces. We must be able to research on our own and consider possibilities.
Sheeple Hunter, TRUTH= scorned wounded Beast but her honour must be defended, 4SHE LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND #WWG1WGA #AllRoad$L€ad2Switzyood
Sheeple Hunter, TRUTH= scorned wounded Beast but her honour must be defended, 4SHE LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND #WWG1WGA #AllRoad$L€ad2Switzyood
FYI Unfortunately, I`ve been trying to wake the sheeple herd Pro Bono, pre-Matrix, actually pre www, back then peddling truth was a dangerous underworld racket... My motivation? Think THE NO SANTA TRAUMA, forcefully overdosed on what I now know, as RED PILLS, for what I thought to be a PIN to a bank account was Grandpa´s "SHEEPLE TYPE HARD EVIDENCE" of also what just started as a Socialist Regime... The other Countries stood by waiting for evidence on unpatriotic conspiracies and rumours of Cloning Centers, Eugenics, slave labour and asset Repatriation/ Revaluation... As far as the natives, just as Qlueless as today´s masses about the real global virus being fought with military gear;) Hence I can spot a a lightworker/ patriot Vs truth profiteer/ controlled opposition false flag agent... Most disappointed with Juanito 107 JR wanna be, after losing bets, has now become a RV/ Gesara denier? each day without EBS triggers my Schindler Complex https://youtu.be/va8zjTPsJrI