I am convinced if all Humans (at least 90%) fully grasped how much our Heavenly Father (our Creator)Loved them at least 90% of the Problems in this World would suddenly go away.
4 our Creator loved us so much. That He did not just create our Spirits before the Foundation of the Earth- Speaking us into existance- In His Image; He actually Sang a Love creation song over every single Human He created- Just 4 them. A unique song. From our Father. And Father wrote a book at that time of our lives which he calls our destiny scrolls. In that book it details all of our lives n how we were created 2 be close 2 Him n also touch His other babies(humans)- n impact their Souls.
Then we were sent 2 earth as a body- a flesh. And most of us Crave our Father. But we don't know how 2 get back unto Him. And thus this happened only through Jesus- His Bridge- n the living Bridge of all Life. Only in Jesus we find true life- peace- Love- meaning.
Render your full heart unto Jesus tody: Truth al