🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
🇺🇸 Just in case China Jack or Mark Zuckerberg buy anonup.com while I’m sleeping restlessly for 170 minutes, I want to express my gratitude Truth Seeker. This literally could not have been done without you. I am forever grateful to our patriots. 🇺🇸
Attention anonup.com- Please stop distorting our US flag emoji. Your flag is out of regulation. Thank you.
It's fake. That picture was taken on the island of kauai, back in 2017, where he is building a compound. Little Saint James, a stones throw off from St. Thomas's east end, doesn't have trees like that or surfing. People should be digging up sauce on his sister in laws Canibel restaurant in LA if they want to link him to sick %&*#