Educator to help when sh!t hits the fan. Suspended from Twitter; I miss my 36 followers. PANIC M0TH3RFUCK3R$-Patriots Are Now In Control.

I as a thirty year vet in a sense of info on all can say I am so freaking impressed with the level of the knowledge of a large percentage of patriots. AND all must remember. YOU may see it ten times, all have different "followers" to me patriots looking, and not ALL have the same followers. The fact THIS many are awake this time period is freaking HUGE and cannot be understated. I would rather see one post truthfully ten times in my feed, than various stuff that benefits no one, I myself am impressed. I counted down the milliseconds for decades waiting and BELIEVING God was gonna wake folks up. I say if you feel it in your heart to post it. DO it, there is a reason. DO NOT second guess yourselves.
In that regard.