There is no such thing as "Mandatory Vaccine".
Those who tries to impose it are commiting a war crime.
Know your rights.
Knowledge is power brothers & sisters.
Spread the Word.
#wwg1wga WorldWide.
Big hug from portugal.
PRINCEVILLE — In March, Michele Rundgren, owner of Tiki Iniki, made the decision to mandate all employees have a COVID-19 vaccine, including servers, bartenders and cooks. That is 70s pop singer Todd Rundgrens wife, they own it. If anyone is starting Nurember law suits to go to trial, make sure to add this terrorist couple to it.
Tiki Iniki mandates employees receive vaccine | The Garden Island
PRINCEVILLE — In March, Michele Rundgren, owner of Tiki Iniki, made the decision to mandate all employees have a COVID-19 vaccine, including servers, bartenders and cooks.