🔥 Q-Team, White Hat accomplishments
MILLIONS of tortured Children rescued
100s OF MILES OF GOLD, Art, sacred documents
& quintillions+ of $s seized
D.U.M.B.S being blown up
Arrests ongoing
Countless already @ Gitmo & other prisons on & off planet
who are ALREADY locked up or executed
The Vatican, City of London & D.C. have fallen
USA Corp. is bankrupt
Federal Reserve is kaput
Central Banking SWIFT Rothschild/Rockefeller System finished
The Quantum Financial System in place
The stolen election being proved in AZ
President Trump IS our secretly sworn-in President
& recognized by US Military as Commander in Chief
Bidan is an actor & this is a MOVIE 🍿
Gene Decode
“This is not a war like WW2
This is for Earth, Galaxy & Solar System”
Juan O Savin
“It’s not just America, this is for the planet.
It’s so much bigger than you can imagine”
We're getting rid of demons FOREVER
5D+ Earth Incoming 🌎🌺
Child of God. Proud conservative American holding the line. Matthew 22:37-38
What is the "off planet" comment, not at the poster. Like hmm? Van Allen belt still exists.
Gene Decode reported a few months ago that there is a new prison facility on the Moon where a lot of high profile deep state players that made deals, are already imprisoned. I hope it has a nice view of Earth!! 😹🔥🔥
There are still too many peeps who don't "believe" there is a Secret Space Program or even a Space Program that the White Hat Alliance controls. So I just left it 🌻🌹🌸