From leaders to cities, how India owes a lot to the secret order of Freemasons | Research News,The Indian Express
Swami Vivekananda, Pandit Motilal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad and Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed are some among many of the prominent Indian leaders who are believed to have joined freemasonry.! Never ever heard about this! Just looked up and found this article. The Hindu is a leftie Hinduphobic newspaper. So, I don't read it. But, this topic is worth looking into, especially since you posted about it.
Nehru, Vivekananda, Tata were also Freemasons - The Hindu BusinessLine
They are one of the world’s oldest secretive societies whose members included Motilal Nehru, Vivekananda, JRD Tata, King George VI and George Washington, among others. Their temples and lodges are spe
I agree with your meme except, all religions mentioned were A front to who the really believed in.
Which is the Satanic religion, under the New World Order.